Shaving Foam Marbled Paintings

March 27, 2012 § 1 Comment

We had THE most fun today. After planting sunflower seeds by the climbing frame, and cress seeds in empty egg cartons, I brought out the shaving foam and paints. Ever since I saw this I’ve been longing to have a go. I told Messy Boy that I was going to do some painting and he was welcome to join me! Sensibly, we did this out on the bench in the garden 😀

First the shaving cream went onto a tray. Messy Boy declared this funny 🙂 He got to swirl it around a bit. (The last time he encountered shaving cream was at a messy play morning, and he hated it!!!)

marbled shaving cream painting

Then we placed pieces of card onto the coloured marbled cream, and peeled them back to reveal true colourful beauty!

marbled shaving foam painting

We did lots. And lots. And lots.

marbled shaving foam painting

The tray of colourful cream itself was really pretty too!

marbled shaving foam painting

I scraped most of the excess cream off, and hung them on the washing line to dry where they sparkled like jewels.

marbled shaving foam paintings

marbled shaving foam paintings

marbled shaving foam paintings

marbled shaving foam paintings

Messy Boy was enjoying the sensory experience of the shaving cream so much that I just let him get on with it! Surprisingly it didn’t turn into a brown gloop. Just light green!

marbled shaving foam painting

He wanted to do a hand-print – he didn’t expect the paper to come back up with his hand though 😉

marbled shaving foam painting

Of course I didn’t let him come inside to clean up. The sun was shining. I took a big bowl of water out for him, and a big paintbrush. He came back in with clean hands, a shaving-cream-and-paint-covered teeshirt, and a big smile on his face 🙂

Happy day!

§ One Response to Shaving Foam Marbled Paintings

  • LifeofH says:

    Fabulous. I can’t wait for some more nice weather to try something like this (I was thinking more along the lines of DIY pavement paint…) ♥

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